Tuesday, October 28, 2008

angel of doom

A few days ago I saw vp noli de castro saying on tv that greed is what's keeping oil firms from cutting gas prices, in much the same way that it was greed that led banks to invest in bad securities that is now causing the collapse of the global economy.
That was probably the first time I thought the vp made sense. He appeared to know what he's talking about.
Of course, I couldn't agree more with this keen observation. I have long held that greed has overcome the hearts of these oil firms, that even though oil prices at the world market have plunged from their record peaks, oil firms continue to charge us steep prices.
It is appalling, no, a sickening development that just a thought of which makes me want to puke. I could'nt believe humans could go so low but here is a proof that we indeed could go the bounds of decency for money that would'nt even make our lives better.
What could these people be thinking? That it's all right to be stealing from consumers in broad daylight. Greed is understatement. No word is available to describe this avarice. Maybe hell should invent a word to describe this attitude.
My God, what has made them sell their soul to the devil? They are despicable, they are not fit to be called humans. They are a shame to humanity. It makes me want to wish I wasn't made human at all.
The whole country is mired in poverty and here are people who can't distinctly see the sufferings of others because of their greed.
There was a movie about angels who were sent on earth to exterminate bad people. They carried shotguns and they would shot without giving notice at anyone marked for death.
I wish now that was true or if there would be a selection process, I'd volunteer to be one of the hitmen. I would gladly crush the life out of these blood-suckers who don't deserve to live a minute more for the greed that makes this planet a regrettable existence and the human race a hopeless generation.
Maybe the shotgun is a little benign. Perhaps I should make them drink an ounce of gasoline every hour until they choke of heat and then I'd send a lightning bolt into their dirty mouths so that they would explode violently, their skins flying high into the universe so that they would never be seen or heard from anymore.
Oh maybe, I should do the same to bus or jeepney drivers who are just as greedy, and let's throw in the energy secretary and all leaders in government who are not doing anything to stop the carnage.
I am dreaming, but how I wish this greed and shame in the oil sector is just a bad dream I could wake up from.

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